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Annual Meeting: Come Talk with the Board

  • May 21, 2019
  • 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
  • The Grog 13 Middle Street, Newburyport MA


Registration is closed

 We will be holding our Annual Meeting for the PPC corporation in Newburyport this year. We are thanking the Northern Essex County members for the support they have provided PPC and for helping us to grow as we have. PPC will provide appetizers. An initial networking period will be followed by a brief presentation by the Board on our progress this year followed by open discussion regarding PPC's future. The Board has much on its plate in coming years and we hope to get your thoughts & input. Members attending can order lunch during this time at their own expense. Please register at the website so we can know how many to expect.


Private Practice Colloquium, Inc.
49 Elmwood Road 

PO  Box 281

Swampscott, MA 01907
