In this 6-hour workshop, Dr. Hill will educate clinicians to prepare them to be able to discuss cannabis and cannabinoids with their patients and colleagues. The first hour will focus on the science of cannabis including epidemiology of cannabis use in the context of changing cannabis policy as well as basic pharmacology of cannabis. The second hour will shift to various formulations of cannabinoids that are available, including edibles, synthetic cannabinoids, and concentrates. We will then cover the benefits and risks of cannabis and cannabidiol, the wildly popular substance that people are using to treat a host of medical conditions.
The practical aspects of cannabinoids in your practice will then be covered, from talking about cannabinoids with your patients to potential clinical scenarios where you might consider recommending their use. Finally, the workshop transitions to problematic cannabis use—its relationship with other psychiatric disorders and approaches to treating this problem.
Dr. Kevin Hill is Director of Addiction Psychiatry at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He earned a Master’s in Health Science at the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program at the Yale School of Medicine. He most commonly treats patients who have problems with alcohol, cannabis, or opioids. The author of Marijuana: The Unbiased Truth about the World’s Most Popular Weed, Dr. Hill’s research interests include the development of medications to treat cannabis use disorder as well as cannabis policy, and he has published widely on these topics in such journals as JAMA, JAMA Internal Medicine, and Lancet Psychiatry. In 2018, he was awarded a grant to summarize the research on the therapeutic use of cannabis and he presented his findings to the World Health Organization’s Expert Committee on Drug Dependence in Geneva, Switzerland in June 2018. He serves on the editorial boards of Lancet Psychiatry, Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, and American Journal on Addictions.
Dr. Hill has become a nationally-recognized speaker on addiction topics due to his ability to connect with audiences and make complex concepts understandable. He gives balanced, evidence-based talks on cannabis, opioids, and alcohol to a wide variety of audiences.
Learning Objectives:
1) Describe the epidemiology of cannabis use as policies have changed.
2) Discuss the pharmacology of cannabis.
3) Analyze changes in formulations of cannabis that are commonly used now.
4) Discuss current state of the evidence for the therapeutic use of cannabis.
5) Explain acute and chronic risks of cannabis use.
6) Identify challenges associated with the increasing popularity of cannabidiol.
This presentation is suitable for a beginning level in the subject matter.
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