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Transgender 101 Sarah Whedon, PhD 3.0 CEs Zoom

  • June 05, 2020
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Zoom


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A national study published in 2019 showed that 2% of high school students identified as transgender, and 35% of those had attempted suicide in the past year. Shame and previous negative clinical experiences can prevent trans people from seeking care. Although transgender people are increasingly visible in popular media and daily discourse much stigma and confusion remain. Clinicians need to understand trans and nonbinary identities in order to provide affirming and culturally competent care.

We begin this workshop by reflecting on the gendered messages that families, peers, and media convey to us from a very young age. We will then introduce the concepts of biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation. Discussion of transgender terminology will also help us to undersand language which is considered to be derogatory or harmful. We will build awareness of cisgender privilege through definition of terms as well as through thinking through ordinary scenarios that present challenges for transgender people. Finally, we will conclude with a process for generating next steps to take personally and professionally to be better transgender allies.

This introductory session will provide the foundation to begin to create a trans-affirming practice. It will not provide guidance on assessing gender dysphoria or writing letters of support for gender-affirming medical care.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify messages culture conveys about gender.

  2. Explain the difference between biological sexgender identitygender expression, and sexual orientation.

  3. Correctly define​ transgender​ and non-binary.

  4. Correctly define cisgender​ and cis gender privilege​ and be able to provide examples of cis privilege.

Sarah W. Whedon, Ph.D is founder of Full-Spectrum Doula Circle,​ through which she teaches classes on abortion support skills, doula burnout & reslience, ritual for abortion and pregnacy loss, and supporting trans and nonbinary clients. Sarah has been an educator for over twenty years, teaching college courses, experiential workshops, and online programs, as well as serving as Chair of the Department of Theology and Religious History at Cherry Hill Seminary. Sarah was selected as a CoreAlign Generative Fellow in Reproductive, Health, Rights, & Justice Leadership & Innovation in 2016. She served on the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy and continues to serve on the board of the Bay State Birth Coalition. She is committed to facilitating processes by which individuals and groups can come into their own knowledge and power.


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49 Elmwood Road 

PO  Box 281

Swampscott, MA 01907
