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Ain’t No Stopping Us Now: The Pleasures and Pitfalls of Sexuality as We Age with Jane Fleishman, PhD; 3 APA CEs

  • December 13, 2024
  • 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Mission Oak Grill, 26 Green Street, Newburyport, MA 01950



Please join us in Newburyport at The Mission Oak Grill for our December CE event with Dr. Jane Fleishman! We will have a light breakfast and beverages starting at 9 and our presentation will run from 9:30 to 12:30. 

Ain’t No Stopping Us Now: The Pleasures and Pitfalls of Sexuality as We Age

with Jane Fleishman, PhD, MEd, MS

Given the societal taboos against discussing sexuality especially when it centers on older adults, this plenary will offer a unique opportunity to apply current research and resources to clinical practice and research with older adults. The focus of this highly-engaging presentation is on improving knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding the impacts of aging on sexuality, the sexual challenges of chronic illness, and the possibilities of pleasure for older adults with an emphasis on application to working with an aging population.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Describe three (3) challenges of sexuality for older adults,
  • Discuss three (3) recent research findings about sexuality for older adults, and
  • Apply one (1) aspect of this session to your clinical or research work with older adults.
Jane Fleishman, PhD, MEd, MS, is a writer, award-winning educator, sexuality researcher, and AASECT Certified Sexuality Educator. She earned her M.Ed. and Ph.D. at Widener University Center for Human Sexuality Studies. She is on a mission to promote the sexual wellness in older adults and doesn’t shy away from the difficult and complex realities of making that happen.  She focuses on the contradictions around ageism, sexism, racism, ableism, and other ways that people get placed on the margins. Her curious nature led to her latest accomplishment, The Stonewall Generation: LGBTQ Elders on Sex, Activism, and Agingwhich recently won a coveted Nautilus Book Award. She co-hosts a regular podcast on sex about sex in the second half of life, which she calls Our Better Half. And she recently completed a popular TEDx talk, Is It OK for Grandma to Have Sex? In 2000, Jane received Governor’s Service Award in Healing of Racism; in 2015, a Graduate Scholar Award from the Aging and Society Knowledge Community; and in 2016, the William R. Stayton Award for Leadership in the field of human sexuality. She is the proud mother of two really fabulous young people and lives in Northampton, MA with her partner. You can reach her at


9:30     Getting Grounded

10:00    Theoretical Foundations

10:20    BREAK

10:35    Clinical Case Study 

11:00    Research Update on Sexual Wellbeing for Older Adults 

11:20    Conceptual Models: Sexual Wellness for Older Adults 

11:40    Multidimensionality of Sexualities

12:00    Resources for Sexuality Professionals: Activities and Information

12:15    Integrating Theory with Practice 

12:25    Closure 


DeLamater, J. (2012). Sexual expression in later life: A review and synthesis. Journal of sex research, 49(2-3), 125-141.

Fielding, L. (2021). Trans sex: Clinical approaches to trans sexualities and erotic embodiments. London: Routledge.

Fleishman, J. M. (2020). The Stonewall Generation: LGBTQ Elders on Sex, Activism, and Aging. Boston: Skinner House.

Fleishman, J. M., Crane, B., & Koch, P. B. (2020). Correlates and predictors of sexual satisfaction for older adults in same-sex relationships. Journal of homosexuality, 67(14), 1974-1998. 

Fredriksen-Goldsen, K., Prasad, A., Kim, H. J., & Jung, H. (2023). Lifetime violence, lifetime discrimination, and microaggressions in the lives of LGBT midlife and older adults: findings from aging with pride: national health, aging, and sexuality/gender study. LGBT health, 10(S1), S49-S60.

Gewirtz-Meydan, A., & Ayalon, L. (2019). Why do older adults have sex? Approach and avoidance sexual motives among older women and men. The Journal of Sex Research, 56(7), 870-881.

Harris, M. A., & Orth, U. (2020). The link between self-esteem and social relationships: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Journal of personality and social psychology, 119(6), 1459-1477.

Malani, P. K. J., & Solway, E. (2018). National poll on healthy aging. University of Michigan.

Mitchell, K. R., Lewis, R., O'Sullivan, L. F., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2021). What is sexual wellbeing and why does it matter for public health?. The Lancet Public Health, 6(8), e608-e613.

Shen, S., & Liu, H. (2023). Is Sex Good for Your Brain? A National Longitudinal Study on Sexuality and Cognitive Function among Older Adults in the United States. The Journal of Sex Research, 60(9), 1345-1355.

Syme, M. L., Cohn, T. J., Stoffregen, S., Kaempfe, H., & Schippers, D. (2019). “At my age…”: defining sexual wellness in mid-and later life. The Journal of Sex Research, 56(7), 832-842.

Level of Instruction: This presentation is suitable for all learning levels

Attendees will receive 3 CEs 

The Private Practice Colloquium (PPC) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The PPC maintains responsibility for this program and its content. 

Each professional is responsible for the individual requirements as stipulated by their licensing agency. Please contact you individual licensing board /regulatory agency to review the continuing education requirements or license renewal. 

Accessibility Accommodations: Please reach out to Carla Rosinski at with any requests or questions 

This event is on the first floor with ramps and accessible bathrooms.

Conflicts of Interest and Disclosures: There are no conflicts or disclosures for this event.

*Instructors and PPC organizers carefully review a comprehensive list of conflicts and disclosures. Instructors will include any disclosures or state “there are no disclosures” in the presentation materials


Full grievance policy is located on the CE policy website page and linked here.


Private Practice Colloquium, Inc.
49 Elmwood Road 

PO  Box 281

Swampscott, MA 01907
